國立雲林科技大學    產業科技學士學位學程



鄭宇伸 產科學程主任


職銜 :主任

學歷 :美國加州大學Davis分校 生物系統工程博士
              國立中興大學 生物化學研究所碩士
              國立雲林科技 大學化學工程系學士

專長 :生化工程,綠色化學工程,生質能源,應用微生物技術,微藻生物科技,生物程序設計,工程經濟與生命週期分析等。

分機  : 4627/7180

信箱  :  yscheng@gemail.yuntech.edu.tw 


  1. Thangavel Ponrasu, Tien-Hsin Cheng, Lin Wang, Yu-Shen Cheng, and Hui-Min David Wang, 2020, Natural biocompatible polymer-based polyherbal compound gel for rapid wound contraction and promote re-epithelialization: An in vivo study, Materials Letters, Vol.261, pp. 126911. (SCIE)
  2. Thangavel Ponrasu, Ren-Fang Yang, Tzung-Han Chou, Jia-Jiuan Wu, and Yu-Shen Cheng, 2019, Core-Shell Encapsulation of Lipophilic Substance in Jelly Fig (Ficus awkeotsang Makino) Polysaccharides Using an Inexpensive Acrylic-Based Millifluidic Device, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-16. (SCIE)
  3. Tzung-Han Chou, Daniel Setiyo Nugroho, Yu-Shen Cheng, and Jia-Yaw Chang, 2019, Development and Characterization of Nano-emulsions Based on Oil Extracted from Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, pp.1-15. (SCIE)
  4. Yu-Shen Cheng*, Zer-Yu Wu, and Malinee Sriariyanun, 2019, Evaluation of Macaranga tanarius as a biomass feedstock for fermentable sugars production., Bioresource Technology, Vol.294, pp.122295. (SCIE)(MOST 107-2221-E-224-021)
  5. Zheng-Zher Wu, Da-Yuan Li, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2018, Application of ensilage as a green approach for simultaneous preservation and pretreatment of macroalgae Ulva lactuca for fermentable sugar production, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Vol.20, No.9, pp.2057–2065. (SCI)(MOST 101-2218-E-224-003-MY2)
  6. Revathy Sankaran, Pau Loke Show*, Yu-Shen Cheng, Yang Tao Yang, Ao Xia, Thi Dong Phuong Nguyen, Quyen Dong Van, 2018, Integration Process for Protein Extraction from Microalgae Using Liquid Biphasic Electric Flotation (LBEF) System, Molecular Biotechnology, Vol.60, No.10, pp.749–761. (SCI)
  7. Jia-Jiuan Wu, Li-Yun Shen, Mei-Chin Yin, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2017, Encapsulation of lycopene with lecithin and α-tocopherol by supercritical antisolvent process for stability enhancement, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Vol.130, pp.246-252. (SCI, EI)
  8. Yu-Sheng Cheng, Pei-Min Lu, Chun-Yin Huang, Jia-Jiuan Wu*, 2017, Supercritical carbon dioxide anti-solvent micronization of lycopene extracted and chromatographic purified from Momordica charantia L. aril, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol.80, pp.64-70. (SCI, EI)
  9. Hui-Min David Wang, Yu-Shen Cheng*, Chi-Hao Huang, Chia-Wei Huang., 2016, Optimization of high solids dilute acid hydrolysis of spent coffee ground at mild temperature for enzymatic saccharification and microbial oil fermentation., Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Vol.180, No.4, pp.753–765. (SCI)
  10. Yu-Shen Cheng*, Jang-Hong Wu, Li-Hsien Yeh., 2016, Utilization of Calophyllum inophyllum shell and kernel oil cake for reducing sugar production, Bioresource Technology, Vol.212, pp.338-341. (SCI)
  11. Lanju Mei · Tzung-Han Chou · Yu-Shen Cheng · Ming-Jiang Huang · Li-Hsien Yeh · Shizhi Qian, 2015, Electrophoresis of pH-Regulated Nanoparticles: Impact of Stern Layer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (SCI)
  12. Kuan-Yu Chen, Yi Zheng, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2015, Integrated alkali pretreatment and preservation of wet lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) by lactic acid bacteria for fermentable sugar production, Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 81, pp.249–255. (SCI)(103-2221-E-224-085)
  13. Yu-Shen Cheng, John Labavitch, Jean S. VanderGheynst, 2015, Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Impact Chlorella variabilis Productivity and Host Quality for Viral Production and Cell Lysis, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. (SCI, EI)
  14. Yu-Shen Cheng*, Kuan-Yu Chen, Tzung-Han Chou, 2015, Concurrent calcium peroxide pretreatment and wet storage of water hyacinth for fermentable sugar production., Bioresource Technology, Vol.176, pp.267–272. (SCI, EI)
  15. Yu-Shen Cheng, John M. Labavitch, Jean S. VanderGheynst, 2014, Elevated CO2 concentration impacts cell wall polysaccharide composition of green microalgae of the genus Chlorella., Letters in Applied Microbiology, Vol.60, No.1, pp.1-7. (SCI)
  16. Lorena Fernández, Yu-Shen Cheng, Herbert Scher, Jean S. VanderGheynst, 2014, Managing the cultivation and processing of microalgae to prolong storage in water-in-oil emulsions., Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Vol.988, No.12, pp.5427-5433. (SCI, EI)
  17. 鄭宇伸, 2013, Microorganism viability influences internal phase droplet size changes during storage in water-in-oil emulsions., Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Vol.36, No.10, pp.1427-34. (SCI)
  18. 鄭宇伸, 2013, Effects of 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids on the physicochemical characteristics and cytotoxicity of phosphatidylcholine vesicles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol.436, pp.1083-1091. (SCI)
  19. Yu-Shen Cheng, Yi Zheng, John M. Labavitchb, Jean S. VanderGheynst, 2013, Virus infection of Chlorella variabilis and enzymatic saccharification of algal biomass for bioethanol production., Bioresource Technology, Vol. 137, pp.326-331. (SCI, EI)
  20. Yi Zheng, Christopher Lee, Chaowei Yu, Yu-Shen Cheng, Ruihong Zhang, Bryan Jenkins and Jean VanderGheynst., 2013, Dilute acid pretreatment and fermentation of sugar beet pulp to ethanol, Applied Energy, Vol.105, pp.1-7. (SCI)
  21. Yi Zheng, Yu-Shen Cheng, Chaowei Yu, Ruihong Zhang, Bryan M. Jenkins, Jean S. VanderGheynst, 2012, Improving the efficiency of enzyme utilization for sugar beet pulp hydrolysis, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Vol.35, No.9, pp.1531-1539. (SCI)
  22. Yi Zheng, Christopher Lee, Chaowei Yu, Yu-Shen Cheng, Christopher Simmons, Ruihong Zhang, Bryan Jenkins and Jean VanderGheynst, 2012, Ensilage and Bioconversion of Grape Pomace into Fuel Ethanol, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol.60, No.44, pp.11128-11134. (SCI)
  23. Tobias Kind, John K. Meissen, Dawei Yang, Fernando Nocito, Arpana Vaniya, Yu-Shen Cheng, Jean S. VanderGheynst and Oliver Fiehn., 2012, Qualitative analysis of algal secretions with multiple mass spectrometric platforms, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.1244, pp.139-147. (SCI)
  24. Yi Zheng, Chaowei Yu, Yu-Shen Cheng, Christopher Lee, Christopher W. Simmons, Todd M. Dooley, Ruihong Zhang, Bryan M. Jenkins and Jean S. VanderGheynst., 2012, Integrating sugar beet pulp storage, hydrolysis and fermentation for fuel ethanol production, Applied Energy, Vol.93, pp.38-46. (SCI, EI)
  25. Yi Zheng, Chaowei Yu, Yu-Shen Cheng, Ruihong Zhang, Bryan Jenkins and Jean VanderGheynst, 2011, Influence of moisture content on microbial activity and silage quality during ensilage of food processing residues., Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Vol.34, No.8, pp.987-995. (SCI)
  26. Yu-Shen Cheng, Yi Zheng, John Labavitch and Jean VanderGheynst, 2011, The impact of cell wall carbohydrate composition on chitosan flocculation of Chlorella., Process Biochemistry, Vol.46, No.10, pp.1927-1933. (SCI)
  27. Yi Zheng, Chaowei Yu, Yu-Shen Cheng, Ruihong Zhang, Jean VanderGheynst and Bryan Jenkins, 2011, Effects of ensilage on storage and enzymatic degradability of sugar beet pulp., Bioresource Technology, Vol.102, No.2, pp.1489-1495. (SCI, EI)
  28. Yu-Shen Cheng, Yi Zheng, and Jean VanderGheynst, 2011, Rapid quantitative analysis of lipid using a colorimetric method in a microplate format., Lipids, Vol.46, No.1, pp.95-103. (SCI)
  29. Yu-Shen Cheng, John Labavitch and Jean VanderGheynst, 2011, High-throughput analysis of hexosamine using a colorimetric method, Analytical Biochemistry, Vol.408, No.1, pp.160-162. (SCI)


  1. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2018, Applications of lactic acid bacteria in biorefineries, The 2nd International Conference on Applied Microbiology, 2018/12/06-09, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Chiayi, pp.26.
  2. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2018, Utilization of pectionous polysaccharide extracted from jelly fig from formulation of colon targeted delivery hard capsule, The 24th Symposium of Young Asian Biological Engineers' Community, 2018/11/15-17, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Taipei City, pp.74.
  3. Han-Yun Wu, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2018, In vitro co-biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid and 1,3-propanediol from glycerol, 2018台灣化學工程學會65週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 2018/11/09-10, 台灣化學工程學會, 斗六, 雲科大, pp.133. (107-2221-E-224 -021 -)
  4. Ren-Fang Yang, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2018, Encapsulation of oil within polysaccharides extracted from the seeds of Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang using a milli-fluidic device, 2018台灣化學工程學會65週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 2018/11/09-10, 台灣化學工程學會, 斗六,雲科大, pp.133. (106-2622-E-224 -007 -CC3)
  5. Yu-Shen Cheng, Jhao-Syuan Gu, 2018, Application of pectinous polysaccharides extracted from the seeds of jelly fig for formulation of colon-target drug delivery capsule, AFOB Summer Forum 2018, 2018/08/22-24, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Songdo, Incheon. (106-2622-E-224 -007 -CC3)
  6. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2017, Biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid through in vitro approach, The symposium on biorefinery and bioprocess at Singapore (iBioS), 2017/12/19-20, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  7. J. S. Gu and Y. S. Cheng*, 2017, Utilization of pectinous polysaccharides extracted from Ficus awkeotsang Makino for colon-specific delivery capsule production, 化學工程學會64週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 2017/11/17-18, 國立台北科技大學,化學工程學會, 台北市.
  8. K. W. Lee, T. Y. Liou, Y. S. Cheng*, 2017, ATP independent in vitro biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid from maltodextrin, 化學工程學會64週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會, 2017/11/17-18, 國立台北科技大學,化學工程學會, 台北市.
  9. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2017, In vitro biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid from glucose (Invited Speaker), International Conference on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 2017/11/01-02, Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (MSMBB), AFOB, Kuala Lumpur.
  10. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2017, Optimization of bacteriocin production by lactic acid bacteria using spent coffee ground as feedstock, The 23rd Young Asian Biological Engineers' Community, 2017/10/18-20, School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University. AFOB, 西安.
  11. Ting-Yin Liou and Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2017, In vitro biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid from biomass, 2017 SIMB Annual meeting, 2017/07/31-2017/08/04, Society of Industrial Microbiology, Denver, CO.
  12. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2017, Invited presentation at 3X5 session, DOE-BETO Cell free biosynthesis listening day, 2017/07/30, Department of Energy, Bioenergy Technology Office, Denver, CO.
  13. Yu-Tzu Hu and Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2017, Encapsulation of Lactobacillus paracasei with a polysaccharide extracted from Ficus awkeotsang Makino, 2017 BEST Conference and International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2017/06/22-24, Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Society of Taiwan (BEST), 斗六市.
  14. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2016, In vitro metabolic engineering of 3-hydroxypropionic acid production from glucose, The iBio-P 2016 Asian Workshop, 2016/12/16-18, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pusan.
  15. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2016, Development of integrated biorefinery from non-conventional feedstocks, 2016 Young Asian Biochemical Engineers' Community, 2016/10/27-29, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Miyazaki SEAGAIA Resort.
  16. Hu, Yu-Tzu, Yu-Shen Cheng (鄭宇伸)*, 2016, Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum with a polysaccharide extracted from Ficus awkeotsang Makino, 第六屆綠色永續生物技術研討會, 2016/01/22-23, 國立中興大學化學工程系, 台中市.
  17. Ting-Yin Liu, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2016, In vitro biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid from glucose, 第六屆綠色永續生物技術研討會, 2016/01/22-23, 國立中興大學化學工程系, 台中市.
  18. Chia-Wei Huang, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2016, Techno-economic evaluation of spent coffee ground as feedstock of fermentable sugars for bioproductions, 第六屆綠色永續生物技術研討會, 2016/01/22-23, 國立中興大學化學工程系, 台中市.
  19. 鄭宇伸, 2016, Evaluation of Ulvan extracted from Ulva lactuca as nanoemulsion stabilizer., 第六屆綠色永續生物技術研討會, 2016/01/22-23, 國立中興大學化學工程系, 台中市.
  20. Ze-Yu Wu, Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2016, Evaluation of Macaranga tanarius as short rotation coppice feedstock for biorefinery, 第六屆綠色永續生物技術研討會, 2016/01/22-23, 國立中興大學化學工程系, 台中市.
  21. Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2015, Think outside the cell: the thinkable role of cell wall carbohydrates on the process development of microalgal biofuel production, The 6th iBio-K Asian Workshop, 2015/12/07-08, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Kobe University, Kobe. (以浮水性植物生質為原料醱酵生產微生物油並用於生質柴油的製備, 103-2221-E-224-085)
  22. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2015, The impacts of culture conditions on the carbohydrate composition of microalgal cell wall and the consequential processes, 2015 Young Asian Biochemical Engineers' Community, 2015/10/14-16, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Elysian Gangchon Resort, Gangchon. (以浮水性植物生質為原料醱酵生產微生物油並用於生質柴油的製備, 103-2221-E-224-085)
  23. Yu-Shen Cheng*, 2015, Microbial oil production from dilute acid hydrolysis and enzymatic saccharification of spent coffee ground at high solids condition., 37th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2015/04/27-30, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, San Diego, CA.. (以浮水性植物生質為原料醱酵生產微生物油並用於生質柴油的製備, 103-2221-E-224-085)
  24. Zheng-Ze Wu, Si-Chi Ge, Yu-Shen Cheng, 2014, Biorefinery of sea lettuce Ulva lactuca for biofuel and bioproducts, 5TH ASIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INNOVATIVE BIO-PRODUCTION AND BIOREFINERY IN TAINAN, TAIWAN, 2014/11/09-11, 國立成功大學, 國立成功大學, 台南.
  25. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2014, Developing biological processes for biorefinery of sea lettuce Ulva lactuca, Young Asian Biochemical Engineers' Community (2014), 2014/11/06-08, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineer Society of Taiwan, 國立中正大學, 嘉義.
  26. Yu-Shen Cheng, 2014, Developing biological processes for biorefinery from aquatic biomass, AFOB Regional Symposium 2014, 2014/02/09-11, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  27. 鄭宇伸, 2013, Effects of sodium hydroxide pretreatment on the wet storage of water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) for fermentable sugar production., 2013台灣化學工程學會60週年年會暨國科會化學工程學門成果發表會, 2013/11/22-23, 台灣化學工程學會, 台北.
  28. 鄭宇伸, 2013, Integrated pretreatment and wet storage of water lettuce and sea lettuce for biofuel production., 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2013/11/03-08, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, San Francisco, CA.
  29. Yu-Shen Cheng, John Labavitch and Jean VanderGheynst, 2011, Enzymatic hydrolysis of algal biomass for enhancement of lipid extraction and carbohydrate utilization, 33rd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2011/05/02-05, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Seattle, WA.


  1. Yi Zheng*, Jian Shi, Maobing Tu and Yu-Shen Cheng, 2017, Advances in Bioenergy (volume 2), Chapter One - Principles and Development of Lignocellulosic Biomass Pretreatment for Biofuels, Elsevier Inc, United States, pp.1-68.